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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

she does more than poo, sleep, cry and eat now!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Harper talks a lot. It is one of the most sweetest sounds we have ever heard. She talks to us and responds to singing. I could listen to it all day. She coos and coos while watching tv or talking to her toys. It's incredible to me this is how we all started out. Einstein and Corky alike.

She is also sleeping in her crib now! She talks to her mobile and loves to hear the music. She seems to like being in her room! She should, it's filled with things from people who love her very much. :)

Her reactions to us are becoming more and more prominent everyday! She talks to us when she sees us and when I go get her in the middle of the night she smiles at me. John told me the other morning he got her and laid her down while she was waking up. As she slowly opened her eyes she realized she was looking at her daddy and smiled.

We love to watch her grow. :)

reach for the....little lion.

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Harper is trying to reach for things! She loves her animals that hang above her in her bouncy chair and looking at them just isn't good enough for her anymore. :)

It's so incredible to watch the wheels turn as she reaches and when actually she touches it, her eyes get big like she has surprised herself. She tries over and over and doesn't give up easily and is seems like she tries to "aim" her hand, just can't quite control where it goes. She hasn't gripped anything yet, but we know she wants to. Her lion animal sings songs and purrs when the ring is pulled on and she smiles BIG when she hears it. We think she wants to pull it herself!!!

Scientists say some babies show dominance on which hand they will use from an early age. About a week ago Harper started showing dominance with which hand she reaches with.

Guess which hand she has been using?

Her LEFT!!!

Finally...something that resembles me. :) Let's see if it stays that way. My mom said I was left handed from the get-go.

Have I ever mentioned how absolutely incredible and rewarding it is to watch a human grow? It's the reason I've been involved with kiddos in some form or another since I was 12. But WOW, to watch your own child grow right before your eyes? I can't even think of a word to describe how fascinating it is.

does supercalafragalisticexpealidocious fit?

shots and stats

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Today was the big day. Today Harper got her shots.

Her immunizations included:

Hepatitis B
Diptheria, Tetanus & Pertussis
Pneumococcal Disease
Hib [NOT to be confused with HIV] :)

When we saw this list a little over a month ago we was amazed at all the vaccines they wanted to shoot our daughter up with. We thought it was a little outrageous and wanted to research why and if they were all necessary.

We went to the Center for Disease Control website and read up each vaccine. We discovered they have made great strides in developing the vaccines and they can now give a minute dose for each vaccine. Her total viral protein intake is less than mine or John's was when we were babies and we received less vaccines. To state it simply, they have increased the vaccines but decreased the amount needed to fight the disease.

After a lot of research and reading, we decided we would let her receive all of her immunizations.

She did an amazing job. John held her and hummed to her while she got her 3 shots. She let out quite a scream and many baby tears fell. We even heard a new cry. A quivery one, accompanied with a bright red face and holding her breath before letting it all go. After they were done, John held her and soothed her and she fell asleep. She only cried for about 5 minutes and I'm pretty sure it was harder on me than it was on her.

I was pretty stressed about it all day and a good, wise friend of mine told me "This is one of the greatest lessons in parenting: Giving them what it needs, even when it hurts."

She also had her 2 month appointment today!

Her new and updated stats:

10 lbs 8oz (42%) a teeny bit below average

23.5" (89%) above average!!!

Head Size:
15" (51%) right on average

The doctor gave her an A+ again!!! He said Harper is tall and thin, but that's ok, and they like to see that. :)

[Not so fun] Fact:
Did you know 1 in 5 preschoolers is obese??? I read that while waiting for the doctor today...

goo goo gaa gaa

Monday, October 12, 2009
Me and John both had dreams about what Harper's first word was...

John dreampt it was ELBOW

I dreampt it was CASH MONEY

Good Grief.

tick tock

Friday, October 9, 2009
"Don't ever wish the time away"

This is some of the best advice I have ever received. My dear friend Kris Giannosa told me this while I was still pregnant. So I try to take in every moment, as I already feel those precious moments slipping through my fingers.

Her face is already so different and she becomes stronger everyday. Her newborn clothes are getting snug and she has lost her newborn cry. She lost the newborn smell weeks ago and her slate gray eyes are slowly changing color. Her "waking up stretch" [as I called it] happens less and less and she doesn't sleep in her "baby bean" position anymore.

Honestly, some days this feels so overwhelming. Like I'm missing so much or not taking it all in. Although I know in my heart I am doing my best to not miss a moment, she is growing so fast and I just can't believe how quickly these last 8 weeks have flown by. And it will only go by quicker and quicker.

Thank you God, for our daughter. Thank you for her strength and health. Thank you for her beautiful smile and for entrusting her to us. Help us to raise her in a way that makes you proud and represents you.

and the Z montser finally wins!

Harper slept through the night for the 1st time!

She slept from 11pm until 7am on Sept 25th. She was 6 weeks and 1 day old! We have only had 2 or 3 more nights like it since, but we are thankful nonetheless!

She usually sleeps from midnight until 5 or 6am, so I really can't complain. We are looking forward to when she starts sleeping for 12 hours at a stretch. But I have to admit, even though the late night feedings are exhausting, I enjoy very much that quiet time with her while she eats. I sing to her and talk to her while she smiles and squeaks away.

BIG girls don't cry

Thursday, October 8, 2009
This past week and a half our little Harper has really seemed to enter a new phase!

Her crying has been reduced to when she needs something instead of crying "just because." She cries for all of the obvious reasons, but when she is awake she smiles and coos and likes to hang out. Even 2 weeks ago, if she was awake, she would fuss and cry. Yesterday she was laying in front of the tv for 20 minutes after waking up from a nap before she got bored and cried for me to come pick her up.

I have been able to get more things done around the house. Me and John went to the store today and she was perfect. We are very proud of her. :) She isn't ALL consuming anymore.

Just mostly consuming.

Goin' on & on till the break of dawn.

Monday, October 5, 2009
Harper has experienced some reflux. This week has been rough at times with nights that have gone till 4 am for both me and John. 4 am seems to be the breaking point, cause on my night I woke John up and he stayed up with her till 6 am. Same for him.

I'm pretty sure the reflux was brought on by what I ate. I'm still trying to figure out what I can and cannot eat. So far I know I can't have beans or anything spicy at all. For those of you who know me this is very hard since mexican is my very favorite food and the spicier, the better. Ugh. It breaks my heart!!!

I thought maybe she would be used to the mexican food since I are it constantly while pregnant-I always order extra jalapenos on everything!

On my night I was up with her I had a coke after dinner and I'm pretty sure that's what kept her awake and I had a very very vinegar-y salad for dinner and that's what made her sick. I just did everything wrong that night... :)

Since then I have taken anything out of my diet that I think could effect her and things have been 100% better. She is all smiles and cooing and pooping normally again.

Trading out of the spicy food is an easy decision when you have a baby spitting up constantly and screaming till the sun comes up.